Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Dottie a.k.a. Guinea Pig #2

Ok, so when you enter the world of small pets you have be always steeled for the worst. In our case poor Pokey only made it a week. She seemed to have come with some sort of respiratory condition. So, we now have "Dottie". Dottie is currently running at full speed around her cage so she seems to be in good condition (right now anyway ;-). We have had Dottie now a week and a half and she is funny, squeaky and cute. So here are her pictures! E is doing good keeping her fed, watered and petted!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ice From the Sky

As if our life this week wasn't nutty enough running R & E around going to Bible School and to swimming lessons, we had a rip-roaring hail storm last night! Tom and I got the girls in bed and decided to stay up late and watch Fool's Gold on our pay-per-view. It was entertaining, but so very silly! ;-)
Anywho, right after it was over, we were checking doors and turning off computer etc., we checked the radar and hail was headed our way! So, our later night turned into a late late night! We moved the girls to our bed away from windows and such. We started with pea sized hail and ended up with tons of large marble sized and golf ball size and eventually some tennis ball sized! I made matters more dramatic in the midst of everything by knocking over the ironing board and making a tremendous crash, we were just sure things were coming through the roof!

Our yard looks like a war zone, Sallie dutifully brought me 2 dead birds to the back door this morning, and I think we are the only people on our street who haven't cleaned up the mess yet! Lazy bums that we are! So, here are the pictures, these Tom picked up after they had been rained on for about 10minutes -- mind you, it isn't wise to run out there while this stuff is still falling..... ;-)
Oh, please excuse the state of my tennis ball for "scale" when you have a golden retriever, your tennis balls look like this!

Oh, and I had to include this last one, you can really see the layers, isn't God cool!?!?

Monday, June 9, 2008

Pokey and Holly

I found the camera!!! It was in plain sight as usual....

The girls were so funny today, we went to Target and as we are walking in R commented that she was wondering what Pokey and Holly were doing while we were gone. She said she figured Pokey was probably napping in her house and so forth. E listened a minute and then said, "Quit worrying about my guinea pig, I am sure she is just fine!" She sounded so much like Tom it was hilarious!

Here are some pics of our new family members:

This is Holly.

Sorry the picture isn't great, parakeets are not the easiest thing in the world to photograph! ;-)

This is Pokey.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

As Time Goes By....

I would apologize for not blogging lately, but nobody else that I know seems to be updating their blogs either.....

We had a great, but all too short visit from Mom and Dad this weekend, it was fun and relaxed. They brought "Hobbes the Poodle" with them and he behaved like a model house guest he is welcome back, next time he can bring "Emmy Lou the bird dog". ;-)

Per R and E's fabulous performance on their chore list Mom and Dad's birthday gifts were a parakeet and guinea pig respectively. So we now have Holly (or affectionately known as Mr. Holly to everyone except R) and Pokey. I will post pictures as soon as I find the camera, it is MIA! I had an interesting conversation with R after she was informed that "Holly" is a boy. She insisted that it was a girl because she wanted it to be a girl. Nope. It doesn't work that way, that's God's department. She frumped, but is slowly coming around. He is a cool green and yellow color, a color very difficult to find on a girl parakeet! I just don't know when R will realize the world can't be changed just because she isn't happy....

Things around here are hot and dry. I have just about finished redoing my study, I will also post pics of that soon too. I am thrilled to have an organized place to pay bills (and blog). ;-)

Hope everyone is having a fun beginning to summer, we start Bible school and swim lessons next week and celebrate E's 4th birthday Saturday! Fun stuff!