Thursday, October 18, 2007

In Case Your Having a Bad Day....

This is a picture of our garage door today. Drink fell over when I stopped in the driveway. Took my foot off the brake -- must have thought it was in park, who knows. I was too busy making sure the drink didn't spill all over the van floor, when I heard, my oldest darling holler, "MOM, your hitting the garage!". Nice. It was a character building experience, and now it seems rather funny. The van is totally fine, Tom said the bugs all over the front of it kept it from scratching! Just thought I would share the real story of our lives!
Oh, and did I mention we just had this garage door put in a little over a month ago? ;-)


Bonnie said...

Wow. That's special. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to think of all the western scorpions who are now exalting in their free pass into the garage for the winter. :-)

Seriously, it's really funny.

Robin Stevens said...

Well, at least the van's OK! That TOTALLY sounds like something I would do!