Friday, October 3, 2008

Jumping ship and miles of nothing...

Ok, so due to some difficult circumstances with my grandparents the girl's and I trekked across the massive state we live in to see Mom and Dad and offer our support in helping my grandparents. It was fun to see Granddaddy (my Dad) preach and go with "Honey" (that is what the girl's call my Mom) to get a fresh gingerbread man and pumpkin cookies! It is amazing to realize that my kids have my parents as grandparents, it is hard to believe that life is moving that fast!

It was also nice to see trees. I certainly used to take those for granted! =]

We drove for 9 hours on the way there and 8 1/2 on the way back, and both times when we finally got there, R would happily announce, "That didn't take too long at all!" That's optimism for you! Tom had the entire house to himself for almost a week (I am so jealous of all that time alone to get things done). I think the more chaos there is around here, the more lonely and quiet the house gets! He was certainly glad to see us come home!

Well, Tom's Mom is coming Sunday to stay for a week! So, I have got to go clean and get ready for her visit. Hopefully, this will be a fun week, I have cookies planned, a girl's lunch, and catching up on family stuff.

Hope all is well with everyone!


Bonnie said...

No one told me about the fresh gingerbread men and pumpkin cookies. Village Bakery?

I'm jealous.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing my parents love my kids. I don't want to get older, but I can't wait for grandkids!!