Tuesday, January 22, 2008

This is for you, Bonnie....

Just so my poor sister won't have a boring morning, I am posting a new blog post. I haven't felt especially bloggy lately. Maybe it is the ever-present piles of laundry. Maybe I have been too obsessed with watching weatherunderground change the entire week's forecast based on the current outside temperature (note: today's high this morning was supposed to be 48. When it only reached 34 out there they said tomorrow would only be 55 and that we now have a 50% chance of snow Thursday.) Exciting.

I did make soup, bake bread and make baby food, did 3 loads of laundry and let the dog out, let the dog in, let the other dog out, went out into the cold and drug the dog back in so the other dog could go out feel the cold and howl at the back door until I let him back in.

At least the baby food made for great dinner entertainment, Tom was cracking up at the gagging motions the baby made upon trying the said baby food...sigh...I try.

Weell, that's it. I guess I'll keep thinking about interesting life notes. If the baby ever gets a tooth in that will be blogworthy!!!! We are on our 3rd month of teething.

Have a great morning Bon. I gotta go let the dog out....

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Awww... Thanks! Of course it would be on the morning that I had a little vertigo fit and didn't make it in until noon that I would have my very own post, dedicated to me!
