Monday, March 10, 2008

I know, I know....

Yes, it's been, like, forever, since I posted. I honestly didn't intend to take my last post so literally in the blog sense! ;-) In my defense, Tom refers to February as "the month of sickness" starting with me getting a whopping case of food poisoning and ending with the baby cutting two teeth, getting a cold and getting shots all in a 5 day period! With lots of yuck in between. Let me just say, taking your husband to the doctor praying the entire way that it isn't pneumonia (praise God it wasn't) is incredibly stressful.

We also made a sobering impromptu trip to Tennessee to pay a final good-bye to Tom's wonderful Granddaddy. He passed away last weekend and will be greatly missed. It was snowing here when we left and all but snowing there when we headed home. Weird for a Southern March, but hey, snow is cool no matter when! (If only we could have snow, but it be warm too....)

So, we are still around. And I will hopefully be a better blogger!

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