Monday, July 14, 2008

It's a Jungle...In Here?

Ok, so as part of "M's Birthday Prep Week, Part 2" we are starting redoing R & E's room. The people who lived in this house had a boy, so the girl's room was covered on two walls with glued brown paper sacks that looked like this:

That is essentially brown paper sacks, and Elmer's glue, lots and lots of glue. Good news was if we got it wet, it would start to peel off! 2 walls had this on it and 2 walls looked like this:

Do you remember that scene on "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" where she said the neighbors could check out their subtle tribute to the Greek flag, then it pans up and their garage is painted to look exactly like a greek flag? Yeah, that came to mind when I saw this room! Check out the star, it is a window shade!
Ok, so we peeled paper and peeled paper and under the first wall we found this:

That is khaki and those are stenciled animal prints around the closet door (BTW the closet door was red to go with the Texas theme.
And then under the next wall we found this:

Giraffe, Leopard, Tiger and Zebra? What? Keep in mind as I took this picture, the walls to my right and behind me, still look like the Texas flag! Wild! The girls though this was funny, but, mind you, continued to ask when we could get to the pink paint!
Needless to say we are priming the walls!
This is what happens when you buy a house with lots of history!!!


Anonymous said...

WOW! Someone really didn't like just plain paint, did they?

Sara Littlejohn said...

i really liked the texas flag. maybe tom could have painted a confederate flag on your bedroom wall to go along with the theme.

Kris C. said...

That's pretty funny! But I'll bet you were far more amused than the girls, huh? :)