Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Crate Trained.

New Years resolution #1. Blog more....

I have never been what I would describe as a "homebody". Don't get me wrong, I like home, always have, but I love going places and seeing things and shopping. But, I think I am now crate trained. Just to explain, when you crate train a dog it goes something like this: for the first few days (sometimes longer) when you put the puppy in the crate it whines, and cries and howls. Then, for the next few weeks it will fight like crazy to keep from being put in there, grabbing the door frame, struggling throwing itself on you, but then becomes calm inside the crate after you win. Then in stage 3 the pup will willing go into the crate when told, but won't go voluntarily. Then comes the wonderful stage 4 (where we are now with our 6 1/2 year old Golden Ret.) you can leave the crate door open, she will go in there when she wants, sleeps in there on her own and considers it her own personal den. Some dogs collect treasures to keep in their crate to chew on or enjoy....

I have finally reached stage 4. After the holidays and craziness I couldn't wait to get home to my "crate". Drug home all of my treasures, my kiddos and Tom. Granted, I am looking forward to going out again for treasure hunts and visits with loved ones, but I am definitely enjoying being home!

We took our usual tour this Christmas covering over half of Texas, across Arkansas to Tennessee. Thankfully, Tom's parents live in West Tennessee! It was wonderful to visit with family. I got to spend a lot of time with my parents, sister and brother-in-law. Got to meet Bonnie & Scott's new addition "Murry" the jack russell terrier. I think we bonded.
We got to see all of R, E, & M's cousins in Tennessee, it gets nutty with 9 children! Ages, 9, 7, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 17months, and 13months!!! 7 girls, 2 boys! Busy, but fun.

Well, I am off to finish unpacking, downloading pictures, getting my Christmas cards out, finally, and cleaning house -- time to fire up the crock pot! ;-)

Hope all is Merry and Bright with everyone!

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