Thursday, October 28, 2010


So I was reading The Pioneer Woman this morning and thoroughly enjoying her post from this week about her cat playing with her dogs tail, when it occurred to me I haven't posted on my blog in over a year.  I began to ponder why.  First of all I am completely upstaged by blogs like the Pioneer Woman, or my sister, or my friends that actually seem to have different things happen to them day after day.  I mean I could say I am sitting here in my flannel pajamas and writing this, but on day 17 you would be going, "Again?  Sheesh, doesn't she have a house to clean and kids to teach or something..?"

Then there is the name of my blog.  It no longer applies.  We are in high cotton around here people, it should be 4 bale cotton.  We've added to the fam!  But you already knew that.  See, my blog is already behind it's time.

So, I could tell you that we are on Lesson 48 today in Phonics (not that I'm counting).  That Ethan has learned to get up on his hands and knees and is contemplating mobility (Heaven help me), or that Mae took a permanent marker to my dry erase board yesterday (at least it's white), and that Calvin (the schnauzer) took off running down the street with screams of "NO COME BACK!" behind him (the lucky sucker).

But, that's just what everybody else is doing....right? 

Happy Thursday.

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